Sunday 1 January 2012

Evaluation- Question 1

To present this question, I have used and created this presentation:

Evaluation- Question 2

To present this answer, I have used Microsoft PowerPoint:

Evaluation- Question 3

Firstly, I have used Excel to present the results from the questionnaires and uploaded them on scribd:

On the whole, these results were very positive and my target audience really liked our documentary, radio trailer and newspaper advert. However, a weak point of our production is that there are a few jumps in the documentary, therefore the quality needs to be a little moe improved.
Recorded Feedback: 

Overall, according to the recorded audience feedback, I have learnt that one of our ancillary texts is perhaps  more effective at advertising the documentary as one of the feedback I got was "I think the radio trailer advertises the documentary better than the news paper advert". By this, he's suggesting that the radio trailer is more effective as perhaps the sound of the heartbeat and deep scary voiceover conveys the theme of fear better than the newspaper advert. This implies that the weakness could be in the choice of model for the newspaper advert, we could've used someone who seems more frightened to really evoke that sense of fear.

To present this answer, I have used and created this presentation:

Evaluation- Question 4

To present this question, I have recorded myself and uploaded the voice clips on MovieMaker to create this video: